Monday, 21 May 2012

In regards to Irshad Manji..

It would be great if we don't have to ban Irshad Manji's book for the sake of 'freedom' la konon, then these people won't have the right to say how we Muslims are all control freaks.. but this time around I agree, we should ban it. (After I buy it and have a read of it myself.Hehe.) 

Thing is, Malaysian Muslims, especially the young and ignorant ones.. are too easily strayed off; never ever underestimate the power of words. She has some points in what she's saying, but still most of it are too ridiculous. You should always question everything you came across, but in terms of religion, your questions should be aimed for you to get a better understanding, not to mock or reform it . 

I haven't actually read her books, but it seems like she's looking for a reformation in Islam, like she wants to change the religion to suit her, instead of the other way round. Do correct me if I am wrong.. 

There are some critical questions that she asks which bothers me a lot..  She has apparently question the validity of some Quranic verses, saying that it is confusing and contradicting, as well as saying that prayer's are ridiculous. But then I only read this in a newspaper clipping, never actually right from the book itself, and therefore it could have been altered. 

I am actually looking forward in getting the book, would help me thinking, and then perhaps challenge her ideologies as well if I do get the chance.. 

Monday, 14 May 2012

The Start of an Infatuation : Part 1.

As I look at you and your ever so shy smile,
The softness of your voice as you speak to me,
As the stolen gazes were thrown at my side,
The hidden but ever so peculiar repartee.

My mind can be very quaint and whimsical,
The desires of my heart at times overwhelming,
My beating heart though crushed starts to twinkle,
The rationale of my mind then forces itself as affirming.