Tuesday 11 May 2010

this is a new beginning!

[Reebok Crosswalk V7,and my Adidas running shoes]

papa bought a treadmill recently. [okayyy not recently, bout a month ago.hehe] and it came with a free personalized advice from a personal trainer. so, thought i'd share what i remembered here.

1] if you're overweight[like me.huu], don't run, coz it'll hurt your ankles. so buat speed slow je..

2] exercise first, then eat. if you must eat first, wait 2hours after, baru exercise.. exercise around an hour before you plan to eat.
explanation: our body will only take the nutrients from the food we take when needed, so if you eat when the nutrients are not needed yet, it will only become waste. so, when you exercise, our body will be tired and the need for the nutrients would be there, and so every nutrients that came in with the food we take will be absorb by the intestines. haa begitulah.

3] cardio first, then weight training. i've heard many variations of this, some say if you do weight training first then you'll burn more calories while doing cardio. but according to these particular personal trainer, cardio first. explanation: i x ingat. hahahahaha~

4] using treadmill, must wear running shoes. or if you're running outside ke jogging ke, applicable jugak kot. coz normal sport shoes don't have the support system designed to protect you ankles. [terpakse g beli tadi. haha. mahall pulak tuh. huish.]

5] i always thought we need to stretched before and after exercising. but nope, he said only stretched out after the whole exercise routine for the day is done.
explanation: when you first start exercising, your muscles are still hard,mcm frozen..kot. so you gotta let it soften up gradually. he gave me this example: imagine meat taken out from the freezer. it's hard, impossible to be stretched. that's how our muscles are right after waking up. if you forced the muscles to be stretched out jugak, might damaged it. but i think, perhaps klu dah mcm active before exercising tu okay kot.

6] muscles klu sakit, jangan pergi urut. it will damaged it even more. i forgot his explanation for this one too. hehehe.

7] drink loadssss of water. [classic advice kot. =P]

8] lepas exercise, don't put yourself in an air conditioned room, coz when you exercise your body has already been dehydrated, air-cond will only dehydrate it even more.

9] cardio+weight training+consistency= nice bod. hehe.

10] he said, note that this is his personal opinion.. for running shoes, his preferred brands would be adidas, new balance, or mizuno. nike, according to him, is designed beautifully, but not so in function and it doesn't last as long. [i love nike tho, cantekkk~~.but end up buying adidas gak, sb sy ikot la ckp die ni. he is a certified personal trainer, after all]

sooo that's it kot. xbyk pon [if i remembered more, i'll add up]. but he sure is cute. hahahahaha~ kinda look like kenji, actually.

i need 10 months to reach my ideal weight. need to burn 500 calories per day,every day. lame+tiring gile kot~ but at least it's under a year. so hopefully, by my birthday next year and my own wedding tah bile tah nanti [hehehe], i'll have a superb bod. insyaAllah. =)

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